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  • Writer's pictureHealthwatch Reading

Response to NHS England consultation on integrated care systems

Report by Reading Voice

We have joined forces with four other local Healthwatch to respond to proposals.


  • Healthwatch Reading, Healthwatch West Berkshire, Healthwatch Wokingham Borough, Healthwatch Buckinghamshire and Healthwatch Oxfordshire sent this joint response to NHS England on 7 January 2021

  • NHSE sought views on proposals in: Integrating care Next steps to building strong and effective integrated care systems across England

  • The five local Healthwatch do not support NHSE's preferred option for integrated care systems to take over the statutory role of clinical commissioning groups

  • The five Healthwatch prefer the option of an ICS statutory committee

  • The five Healthwatch call for local Healthwatch to have a statutory ICS board seat

20210107_5HW-in-BOB-Response_Integrating_Care_Next_Steps_Response (document version) FINAL
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