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  • Writer's pictureHealthwatch Reading

Our 2024/2025 workplan is published

In February this year, we asked you to tell us what your top health priorities are, and what projects and themes you would like us to focus on.

We listened and your feedback was used to produce our annual workplan and projects for 2024/2025.

"Healthwatch Reading remains committed to delivering an annual  workplan that focuses on the issues that are of concern to the people of Reading, and that are impacting people and communities across Reading.

We will continue to ensure that everyone living and working across Reading have their voices heard. It is through listening to Reading locals that we can help shape a health and social care system that works for everyone.

We will continue to use our statutory power to help drive positive change through sharing the views, feedback and experiences of people from Reading.

This year our overarching theme and priority is accessibility which affects so many people and communities across Reading." - Alice Kunjappy-Clifton, Healthwatch Reading Lead

Click on the button below to read our workplan.

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